BBC1 – OMi Ambassador Noah on #DIYSOS 20th Anniversary

On 6th September 2019 we were delighted to see our very own Ambassador, Noah Wall, back on our screens as part of the DIYSOS 20th Anniversary Special on BBC1.

The programme celebrated the amazing impact the DIYSOS home make-over has had on the Wall family in the five years since it was filmed, particularly the incredible advances Noah has made, due in part to the specialist equipment he was gifted.  Born with spina bifida and only 2% brain Noah was not expected to survive birth let alone develop into the bright capable boy we know and love today.

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Outstanding Care Awards – Memory Lane Award 2019

On Friday June 29th our very own Ian Davis journeyed down to Devon for the Outstanding Care Awards 2019 Gala Dinner held at The Riviera Conference Centre in Torquay.

Ian was delighted to be presented with the Memory Lane Silver Award in recognition of the positive impact our Mobii magic surface system is already having in Care Homes and Centres across Devon and Cornwall.

Annual Care Home Awards 2019

On Thursday 28th June, OM Interactive attended the Annual Care Home Awards 2019 at the Platinum Suite, Excel, London.

It was a great honour to be presented with the Care Home ‘Best Equipment/Product’ Award in recognition of the difference our system is making in care homes across the UK.

Our Care Consultant, Anna Park, was presented with the award by Alan Dedicoat ( the voice of Strictly & the Lottery Balls!) She commented afterwards that OMI were thrilled that the Mobii magic surface was making such a valuable contribution and proud to have this recognised at the Care Home Awards. She was keen to highlight that it was very much a whole team award for Mark Gilbert, who headed up the design team, Andy Park who headed up the software development and all the skilled engineers, designers & care specialists involved in its development.

‘We are delighted that after 12 years of designing sensory projection systems we have been able to use all our skills to create a mobile table to floor version designed specifically to provide transformational experiences for those in care’.

9th National Dementia Care Awards 2018

The sensory technology company, OM Interactive, has won the Outstanding Dementia Product category in the 9th National Dementia Care Awards 2018.

Anna Park, Care Consultant at OM Interactive said:

“We feel honoured that the valuable contribution our Mobii magic surface interactive table is making in Care has been recognised in this way.  Stimulating and engaging those living with dementia in meaningful person-centred activities is so important in care homes, centres and hospital settings across the UK.

Our dedicated team of engineers and designers have used all of their combined talents to create a product that is fully mobile with rich and varied activities that can be used anywhere from bedsides to floors and dining tables. An engaging resource for people at all stages of dementia, their families and those who live and work with them. We love what we do and this will encourage us to keep delivering the very best in interactive experiences for all ages and abilities”

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Embracing Interactive Technology at Andrew Smith House

Recently Stocks Hall Andrew Smith House welcomed OM Interactive who came to demonstrate their motion-activated projection system.

The ground-breaking Mobii system is the first truly mobile motion-activated table-projection system that can easily be moved to those who need it. It can be adjusted to a different height/size surface at the touch of a button making it an invaluable flexible intervention in all care settings.

Here’s Leslie Ann, who lives at Andrew Smith House, photographed here with her husband Barney using the OM Interactive table together.  They thoroughly enjoyed the demonstration, discovering meaningful activities to enjoy together.  Leslie Ann was fascinated with the coral reef and took on the challenge of the cake making exercise.

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