Interacting with the groundbreaking and award-winning motion-activated projection systems produced by Britain-based OM Interactive can bring many rewards to users of all ages and all levels, particularly those with special needs.
And the experience can be enhanced by digging into an activity kit that accompanies all purchases of any OMI system, including the Mobii Magic Surface, known, for short, as the Mobii.
This goodie bag, filled with accessories including paintbrushes, balls, bean bags and soft fabric batons, can be used with a wide variety of applications, and in a number of different ways.

Adding the use of any or all of these items not only offers more ways to have fun with an OMI system, but can also increase tactile sensations, improve extended reach and shoulder range of motion, boost concentration, and, overall, elevate engagement.
With some swipes of the accessory paintbrushes, users could turn a variety of images, such as flowers or butterflies, from black and white into vivid colours.
Or a bean bag could be tossed onto a projection of an egg, causing it to crack wide open.
With an accessory baton, a user could break up and scatter a school of fish in one application, or swipe correct answers to quizzes in another.
The accessory ball could be pitched at floating feathers to break them up and make them flutter away.
A week of “theme days” could be created to vary up activities. For instance, one day could be devoted to applications that can use a bean bag; another day could turn to activities using a ball.
The accessories can be used to enhance the projections in many ways. One idea is to create “theme days” throughout the week. For instance, a calendar using the Mobii could look like this:
Mindful Mondays: Have participants use the accessory kit paintbrush to colour in a series of fish.
Tuesday tosses: Create some fun competition by having participants toss bean bags onto underwater targets and add up the points for a winning score.
Wet and wild Wednesdays: Participants can use a magnetized rod to go fishing in a virtual body of water.
Thursday throws: Roll a ball across a virtual xylophone, eliciting different sounds as it crosses various keys.
Friday fun facts: Create fun across the generations with bright and simple quizzes that engage both young and old.
Letting imaginations and creativity run free will guarantee users a fun, engaging and beneficial experience with the combination of the projection system and the accompanying activity kit!
Let your imagination and creativity run free!